
The International Continence Society (ICS) defines urinary incontinence as follows: Urinary incontinence is a "State with any involuntary loss of urine that burdens patients socially and hygienically".

Urinary incontinence means the loss of the ability to store urine in the bladder and to determine both location and time of urination itself.

Urination is based on the interplay between bladder (memory) and sphincter. During bladder filling the M. detrusor vesicae must adapt to the changed pressure conditions and relax at the same time. If this system is disrupted, diverse functional disorders will occur, such as for example urinary incontinence.

The causes of urinary incontinence can be very diverse and can be based on urological, gynecological, neurological and other disorders.

Incontinence is a common disorder and affects people of both sexes and of all ages. Physical stress and mental suffering are often closely connected. Social withdrawal, shame and isolation affects the quality of life and the zest for life.